In January 2010 I read ‘Born to Run’ by Christopher McDougall ( and it made me reassess everything I thought I knew about running. More importantly, it gave me hope that, if I could slightly change my running style, I might be able to run further and faster than before, with less chance of injury. To me that’s like saying, ‘here’s how to eat chocolate and ice cream without gaining any calories’.
Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt? In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.

Try running barefoot for yourself. You can’t land heel first because it hurts. But, the thing is, it’s supposed to hurt if you land heel first, because our bodies weren’t designed to land that way. We’re designed to land on the balls of our feet, as this minimises the risk injury. Running shoes, however, allow us to land on our heels, thus increasing our chance of injury.
I love this presentation which neatly summarises the arguements for and against barefoot running:
A word to the wise, delve into the archive of this blog ( and you can learn from the stupid mistakes I made. I tried to do too much too soon and paid the price. After a couple of months I'd broken my sesamoid bone and a metatarsal. I'm not saying don't try running barefoot, rather if you do make sure you start very very slowly. Unless you are some kind of freak, it takes months of walking barefoot before you should even consider trying to run barefoot.
You can learn to learn how to run barefoot, but without cutting your feet, with a more responsive shoe stripped of the cushioning found in regular running shoes. That’s where the Vibram FiveFingers (VFFs in Barefoot geek-speak) come in. They’re very like the painfully unfashionable plimsolls worn during infant school PE lessons, but with the addition of a pocket for each toe… oh, and they cost nearly 100 quid (or around $90 in the US) – and that’s if you can manage to find a stockist in your area. Not just that, but these are becoming so popular that many stockists might not have what you want in your size.
Vibram FiveFingers as you can see, are little more than a 3mm piece of rubber, sculpted to the soles of your foot and each toe, with a soft upper and sometimes a strap for extra security. So far Vibram have developed 5 types of FiveFingers, in a range of colours, they are:
- KSO – stands for Keep Stuff Out, the upper covers the top of your foot and has a strap for additional security.
Flow – similar to the KSO but they are made from neoprene designed for warmth in colder weather.
- KSO Trek – a more rugged version of the KSO with a slightly thicker sole.
- MOC – like the classic but made from kangaroo leather and primarily designed for indoor use.
- Bikila – the first of their shoes that are specifically designed for running (named after the legendary Ethiopian 2 time Olympic Marathon winner, who won in 1964 barefoot, Abebe Bikila).
Stolen from Vibram website
The benefits of running barefoot have long been supported by scientific research, coaches, and athletes who've offered ample evidence that training without shoes allows you to run faster and further with fewer injuries.